Titled is a design, animation and visual effects company founded in 2012 by Creative Director Angus Chad. Titled represents an experienced team of creative media professionals specialising in the field of design and motion graphics and our aim is to communicate your message creatively, innovatively and efficiently.
Angus Chad
Angus Chad has over 17 years experience in the media design industry. Specialising in media brands. He has worked nationally and internationally for creative agencies, television stations and post-production companies. During this time, he has developed dynamic award-winning media brands.
2015 AEAF: Gold - Live Event category
Customs House Projection - Vivid Sydney 2015
2014 AEAF: Bronze - Idents & Stings
GO! Channel Re-brand
2012 Promax Australia: Channel Branding, Best on-air logo design
Sci-fi Channel Gold
2010 Design Week TV/Film/Video Graphics Channel Branding
ESPN UK Nominated
2009 Promax UK: Channel Branding
ESPN America Nominated
2009 Promax New York: Best Branded Block
Hallmark ‘Most Wanted’ Silver
2009 Promax Europe: Best Themed Campaign
‘Hallmark Most Wanted’ Gold
2008 Promax Mumbai: Channel Branding
Bindass Gold
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